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Lima (Lima)
¡¡¡ ENVIO GRATIS A NIVEL NACIONAL !!! Audifonos Skullcandy Riff S5PXW, es un manos libres con reproducción High Definition y sonido nítido capaces de producir graves, potentes y agudos claros, los audífonos vienen con un chasis resistente, diseño pegable, los brazos del auricular giran suavemente, las guías y bandas giratorias se ajustan para un calce exacto, almohadillas de espuma, tienen un diseño delgado y plegable que es perfecto para los amantes de la música que disfrutan de golpes y surcos fuertes mientras viajan. Duración de la batería 12 hrs., con micrófono y control integrado de audio, llamadas y cambio de pista. **TODOS LOS AURICULARES CON SABOR.** Riff Wireless viene en cuatro colores diferentes para reflejar su estilo único. Complementa tu look con colores que resaltan, un acabado suave al tacto y almohadillas suaves para los oídos. **TODO LO QUE NECESITA, NADA QUE NO HAGA.** Riff Wireless combina perfectamente la simplicidad y la tecnología. Obtienes una calidad de sonido audaz y características convenientes que te hacen la vida más fácil. Sin extras innecesarios. **CARGA RAPIDA** No espere a que se carguen sus auriculares. Tan solo 10 minutos de carga te dan 2 horas de uso. **VA A CUALQUIER LUGAR** El liviano Riff Wireless se pliega pequeño para que pueda ir a donde quiera que vaya. **CONTROLES CONVENIENTES** Los botones fáciles de usar ajustan el volumen, cambian las pistas e incluso activan su asistente personal para obtener indicaciones o enviar mensajes de texto con manos libres. ***ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS:*** - Tecnología inalámbrica Bluetooth® 4.1 - 12 horas de duración de la batería - Carga rápida: 10 minutos = 2 horas - Diadema ultra duradera - Control de llamadas y seguimiento - Asistente de Activar - Impedancia: 32 ohm - Altavoces: 40mm - Distorsión armónica: - Voltaje: 3,7V - Banda de frecuencia: 2042-2080MHz
S/. 284
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Lima (Lima)
¡¡¡ ENVIO GRATIS A NIVEL NACIONAL !!! Los estéreo Haptics entregan fuertes bajos direccionales a cada oído. Los controladores de audio proporcionan un sonido potente y refinado para todo tipo de música. Hasta 40 horas de batería. **Stereo Haptic Bass** Stereo Haptic Bass se entrega a cada lado de la cabeza para obtener graves verdaderos a la derecha e izquierda. **Controladores ajustados a medida** Los controladores de audio ajustados a la medida ofrecen una acústica rica y refinada para complementar el bajo Stereo Haptic en toda la música. **Aislamiento de ruido** La acústica refinada proporciona un ajuste aislante del ruido que elimina la distracción. **Bajo ajustable** Ajuste el control deslizante en el auricular para personalizar la experiencia inmersiva de graves según sus preferencias o medios. **Larga duración de la batería** Hasta 40 horas de duración de la batería inalámbrica Bluetooth® lo conectan a sus medios sin vincularlo a su dispositivo. **Controles incorporados** Para tomar llamadas, administrar música y ajustar el volumen, el control remoto y el micrófono se integran en el auricular.
S/. 479
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Lima (Lima)
¡¡¡ ENVIO GRATIS A NIVEL NACIONAL !! Disfruta el sonido de alta calidad de unos audífonos inalámbricos. Transmite música todo el día mediante la conexión BLUETOOTH® con NFC One-Touch y disfruta hasta 20 horas de duración de la batería, así como las funciones de llamadas con manos libres y comandos del asistente de voz de tu smartphone. **NFC y Bluetooth** La tecnología Near Field Communication (NFC) hace que las complejas secuencias de instalación sean cosa del pasado. Solo tienes que tocar el símbolo N con determinados dispositivos con NFC para establecer una conexión rápida y perfecta, y empezar a transmitir contenido a través de una conexión inalámbrica Bluetooth®. ¿No tienes NFC? No hay problema. Todavía puedes conectarte manualmente a los audífonos Bluetooth® desde el menú de configuración del dispositivo. **20 horas de duración de batería** Haz que la música siga sonando con hasta 20 horas de batería. **Transmite un sonido de calidad todo el día** Escucha música con un sonido nítido desde diafragmas de 30 mm. **Llamadas con manos libres de forma sencilla ** La conversión fluye libremente con la función de llamadas con manos libres, posible gracias al micrófono integrado. No necesitarás sacar el teléfono del bolsillo. **Compatibles con asistentes de voz ** Con solo presionar un botón te conectarás al asistente de voz del smartphone para obtener direcciones, reproducir música o comunicarte con tus contactos. **Funcionamiento sencillo con botones** Utiliza los botones para reproducir, detener o saltar canciones, así como para ajustar el volumen. ***ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS:*** - Versión de Bluetooth®: Versión 4.2 - Alcance efectivo: Alcance aprox. de 10 m (30 pies) - Rango de frecuencia: Banda de 2,4 GHz - Perfil: A2DP, AVRCP, HFP, HSP - Formatos de audio compatibles: SBC, AAC - Protección de contenido compatible: SCMS-T - Tiempo de carga de batería: Aprox. 4,5 horas - Tiempo de reproducción de música continua: Máx. 20 horas - Tiempo en espera: Máx. 200 horas - Tipo de audífonos: Dinámica cerrada - Unidad de diafragma: 30 mm - Respuesta en frecuencia: 20 Hz - 20.000 Hz (muestreo de 44,1 kHz) - Control de volumen: Sí - Control de respuesta de ritmo: Sobre la oreja - NFC: Sí
S/. 225
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
¡¡¡ ENVIO GRATIS A NIVEL NACIONAL !!! Los audífonos Philips BASS+ cuentan con graves amplios y potentes en un paquete elegante y valor: audífonos inalámbricos Bluetooth para aquellos que necesitan más graves en la música sin peso adicional. **La batería recargable tiene una autonomía de hasta 12 horas de tiempo de reproducción** Con una autonomía de 12 horas de tiempo de reproducción, tendrás suficiente energía para escuchar música todo el día. **Controladores de altavoz de 32 mm** Los audífonos BASS+ poseen controlador de altavoz de 32 mm que producen graves intensos y resonantes. **Los audífonos y banda sujetadora ajustables ofrecen una máxima comodidad** Diseñados para un ajuste óptimo, los audífonos BASS+ se pueden girar y tienen una banda sujetadora ajustable que se adapta a cualquier usuario. **Graves intensos y potentes que puedes sentir** Estos son graves intensos y potentes que te permiten realmente sentir la música. No te dejes engañar por el diseño estilizado; los controladores ajustados especialmente y la ventilación de bajos producen frecuencias finales ultrabajas que crean una firma de sonido BASS+ sin igual. **Tecnología inalámbrica Bluetooth** Empareja fácilmente tus audífonos con cualquier dispositivo Bluetooth para escuchar música de forma inalámbrica. **Diseño de plegado plano para facilitar su transporte** Gracias a su diseño plegable plano, los audífonos BASS+ son fáciles de plegar y guardar, lo que los hace ideales para viajar. **Realiza llamadas con manos libres cómodamente** Realización de llamadas con manos libres cómodamente con el micrófono y la tecnología Bluetooth® 4.1 **Almohadillas suaves para un uso prolongado cómodo** Las suaves almohadillas respirables ofrecen gran comodidad durante largas sesiones de audición. **Excelente sistema de aislación de sonido para disfrutar una mejor experiencia acústica** Con un diseño acústico cerrado, los audífonos BASS+ bloquean el ruido ambiental para crear un aislamiento del sonido mejorado y obtener una mejor experiencia acústica. **Cable de carga USB** Mantén los audífonos cargados en el momento que los necesites con el cable de carga USB incluido. **Controla las llamadas, la música y el volumen con interruptores ubicados en las orejeras** Los controles de botones ubicados en la orejera derecha te permiten controlar la música y las llamadas con un solo toque. ***Especificaciones técnicas*** - Sistema acústico: Cerrado - Versión de Bluetooth: 4.1 - Alcance máximo: Hasta 10 m - Perfiles de Bluetooth: A2DP, AVRCP, HFP, HSP - Tipo de imán: NdFeB - Respuesta de frecuencia: 9 - 21,000 Hz - Impedancia: 32 ohm - Diámetro del altavoz: 32 mm - Entrada máxima de potencia: 40 mW - Diafragma: PET - Sensibilidad: 103 dB - Tipo: dinámico - Tipo de batería: Litio-polímero - Tiempo en espera: 166 horas - Tiempo conversación: 12 horas - Tiempo de reproducción de música: 12 horas - Micrófono: Micrófono integrado - Administración de llamadas: Llamada retenida, Alternar entre dos llamadas, Responder/Finalizar llamada, Silenciador del micrófono, Rechazar llamada, Alterna entre música y llamadas
S/. 164
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Chachapoyas (Amazonas)
Comprar 2 Obtener 1 Gratis ... Comprar 5 obtener 2 gratis con Envío .. Contáctenos 24 Hrs Whatssap de chat ... +233249055236 // +60 11 3367 7170 Email: electltd2006@gmail.com Apple iPhone 6S Plus 6s de Apple iiphone Desbloqueado Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128 GB desbloqueado Apple iPhone 64GB Desbloqueado 6 Plus Apple iPhone 16GB Desbloqueado 6 Plus ==================a======================== Apple iPhone 6 128 GB desbloqueado Apple iPhone 64GB Desbloqueado 6 Apple iPhone 16GB Desbloqueado 6 ================================================= Apple IPhone 64GB DESBLOQUEADO 5S Apple IPhone 5S 32 GB desbloqueado Apple IPhone 16GB DESBLOQUEADO 5S =============================================== Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Samsung Galaxy S6Edge Plus Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Samsung Galaxy S6 Samsung Galaxy S5 Samsung Galaxy S4 Samsung Galaxy s3 ======================================= Monorover R2 dos ruedas Auto Equilibrio Scooter eléctrico =============================================== 10% de descuento Dado en cualquier móvil por encima del 2 Unidad ....
S/. 400
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Lima (Lima)
Memoria MicroSd de 128GB Sandisk Extreme V30 A2, clase 10 U3 para 4K (Ultra HD), lectura hasta 100mb/s y 90mb/s escritura, con adaptador. ========================================================================================================= Producto Nuevo, Sellado y Original. Ofrece grabación de video full HD y 4 K Ultra HD y reproducción continua Cumple con la nueva clase 3 de velocidad UHS (U3) y la clase 30 de velocidad de video UHS (V30) para videos 4 K Ultra HD7 Transferencia más rápida con velocidades de lectura de hasta 100 MB/s* Creada para condiciones severas, resistente al agua y a la temperatura, y a prueba de golpes y rayos x3 Ofrece grabación de video full HD y 4K Ultra HD y reproducción continua1 Cumple con la nueva velocidad UHS (U3) y la clase 30 de velocidad de video UHS (V30) para videos 4K Ultra HD Transferencia más rápida con velocidades de hasta 100 MB/s5 Hasta 128 GB para obtener más espacio con el fin de contagiar la emoción La Memoria Micro Sd Sandisk Extreme 128 gb 100mb/s 4K U3 Clase 10 es resistente al agua, a prueba de golpes, y una prueba de rayos-X. Pueden operar en temperaturas que van desde -13 hasta 185 grados Fahrenheit. Tome el teléfono, tablet o cámara a las montañas, el océano o el desierto. Incluso si el dispositivo no sobrevive, la tarjeta de memoria SanDisk si. RECOMENDACIONES EN VISTA DE TANTAS FALSIFICACIONES DE MEMORIAS SANDISK NOS VEMOS EN LA NECESIDAD DE INFORMAR A TODOS NUESTROS CLIENTES QUE EXISTE UNA APLICACION GRATUITA LLAMADA SD INSIGHT QUE DETECTARA SI LA MEMORIA ES ORIGINAL O NO DANDOTE INFORMACION DE FABRICACION,CAPACIDAD REAL Y MUCHOS DATOS MAS DE LA MEMORIA INSERTADA ASI QUE YA SABES COMO RECONOCER CUALQUIER TIPO DE MEMORIA MICRO SD, NO TE DEJES SORPRENDER, ENVIOS A PROVINCIA POR OLVA COURRIER O EMPRESA DE TRANSPORTE. ¡ DELIVERY GRATIS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN TODO LIMA METROPOLITANA Y OLVIDATE DEL TRAFICO !
S/. 17.999
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
- EMPRESA: DIGITAL PERU IMPORTRONIC EIRL - RUC. 20550258782 - UBICACION: SAN BORJA. Click en el boton azul COMPRAR para obtener nuestros datos exactos. - ENVIAMOS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN LIMA Y CALLAO Y PAGA AL RECIBIR EL PRODUCTO (GRATIS) - ENVIOS PROVINCIA +16 soles por OLVA COURIER (previo deposito). En caso el paquete exceda el tamaño maximo permitido o el envío sea para una zona muy alejada el costo de envío se incrementará o cambiaremos la agencia de envio. Smart Watch A1 – Reloj Inteligente en Español con ranura para Chip, ranura para microSD y camara integrada. – Conéctalo al celular mediante bluetooth – Contesta y realiza llamadas mediante el reloj – Cuenta con ranura para CHIP (puede usar Claro, Movistar, Entel) – Cuenta con ranura para microSD (expandible hasta 32gb, no incluye memoria) – Cuenta con camara integrada de 2.0mp – Revisa tus SMS o notificaciones de mensajes de Whatsapp, Facebook o cualquier notificacion (es configurable) – Escucha la música de tu celular o revisa tu agenda de contactos. – Duración de hasta 2 días con bluetooth conectado o hasta 6 dias sin conexión ESPECIFICACIONES – Compatible con Bluetooth V 3.0 o superior – Compatible 100% con Android 2.3 o superior: Samsung S3, S4, S5, Note 2, Note 3, LG G2 etc. – En iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6S solo funcionaran las llamadas via bluetooth, no funcionarán las notificaciones y no hay aplicación de celular para llevar los registros o estadísticas. – Pantalla de 1,56¿ Tácti
S/. 69
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
- EMPRESA: DIGITAL PERU IMPORTRONIC EIRL - RUC. 20550258782 - UBICACION: SAN BORJA. Clic en el botón azul COMPRAR para obtener nuestros datos exactos. - ENVIAMOS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN LIMA Y CALLAO Y PAGA AL RECIBIR EL PRODUCTO (GRATIS) - ENVIOS PROVINCIA +16 soles por OLVA COURIER (previo deposito). En caso el paquete exceda el tamaño máximo permitido o el envío sea para una zona muy alejada el costo de envío se incrementará o cambiaremos la agencia de envío. Características del producto: – Conéctalo al celular mediante bluetooth – Contesta y realiza llamadas mediante el reloj – Revisa tus SMS o avisos de mensajes de Whatsapp, Facebook o cualquier notificacion (es configurable) – Escucha la música de tu celular o revisa tu agenda de contactos. – Duración de hasta 2 días con bluetooth conectado o hasta 6 dias sin conexión ESPECIFICACIONES – Compatible con Bluetooth V 2.0 o superior – Compatible 100% con Android 2.3 o superior: Samsung S3, S4, S5, Note 2, Note 3, LG G2 etc. – En iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6S no funcionarán las notificaciones y no hay aplicación de celular para llevar los registros o estadísticas. – Pantalla de 1,48¿ Táctil TFT LCD – Timbre de aviso cuando se recibe una llamada – Muestra el número o el nombre de las llamadas entrantes – Contestar o Marcar las llamadas desde tu muñeca – Escuchar la música en su teléfono a través de Bluetooth – SMS / historial de llamadas (sólo para teléfonos Android) – Notificación cuando se recibe un mensaje (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Skype, etc) – Alarma anti-pérdida: Cuando el celular se aleja este emite una alarma alertando su pérdida – Tomar fotos a distancia (sólo para teléfonos Android, se puede visualizar en la pantalla del smartwatch lo que se enfoca con la camara del celular vinculado) – Altimetro, podometro, Barómetro, Cronometro. – Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Chino – Tiempo de carga: 30 minutos – Tiempo de conversación: 5 horas – Tiempo con música: 6 horas – Batería de litio recargable. Contenido de la caja – Reloj Bluetooth – Cable usb – Manual – Mica
S/. 39
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
Memoria MicroSd de 128GB Sandisk Extreme V30 A2, clase 10 U3 para 4K (Ultra HD), lectura hasta 100mb/s y 90mb/s escritura, con adaptador. ========================================================================================================= Producto Nuevo, Sellado y Original. Ofrece grabación de video full HD y 4 K Ultra HD y reproducción continua Cumple con la nueva clase 3 de velocidad UHS (U3) y la clase 30 de velocidad de video UHS (V30) para videos 4 K Ultra HD7 Transferencia más rápida con velocidades de lectura de hasta 100 MB/s* Creada para condiciones severas, resistente al agua y a la temperatura, y a prueba de golpes y rayos x3 Ofrece grabación de video full HD y 4K Ultra HD y reproducción continua1 Cumple con la nueva velocidad UHS (U3) y la clase 30 de velocidad de video UHS (V30) para videos 4K Ultra HD Transferencia más rápida con velocidades de hasta 100 MB/s5 Hasta 128 GB para obtener más espacio con el fin de contagiar la emoción La Memoria Micro Sd Sandisk Extreme 128 gb 100mb/s 4K U3 Clase 10 es resistente al agua, a prueba de golpes, y una prueba de rayos-X. Pueden operar en temperaturas que van desde -13 hasta 185 grados Fahrenheit. Tome el teléfono, tablet o cámara a las montañas, el océano o el desierto. Incluso si el dispositivo no sobrevive, la tarjeta de memoria SanDisk si. RECOMENDACIONES EN VISTA DE TANTAS FALSIFICACIONES DE MEMORIAS SANDISK NOS VEMOS EN LA NECESIDAD DE INFORMAR A TODOS NUESTROS CLIENTES QUE EXISTE UNA APLICACION GRATUITA LLAMADA SD INSIGHT QUE DETECTARA SI LA MEMORIA ES ORIGINAL O NO DANDOTE INFORMACION DE FABRICACION,CAPACIDAD REAL Y MUCHOS DATOS MAS DE LA MEMORIA INSERTADA ASI QUE YA SABES COMO RECONOCER CUALQUIER TIPO DE MEMORIA MICRO SD, NO TE DEJES SORPRENDER, /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// /////////////////////// ENVIOS A PROVINCIA POR OLVA COURRIER O EMPRESA DE TRANSPORTE. ¡ DELIVERY GRATIS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN TODO LIMA METROPOLITANA Y OLVIDATE DEL TRAFICO !
S/. 16.999
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
- EMPRESA: DIGITAL PERU IMPORTRONIC EIRL - RUC. 20550258782 - UBICACION: SAN BORJA. Click en el boton azul COMPRAR para obtener nuestros datos exactos. - ENVIAMOS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN LIMA Y CALLAO Y PAGA AL RECIBIR EL PRODUCTO (GRATIS) - ENVIOS PROVINCIA +16 soles por OLVA COURIER (previo deposito). En caso el paquete exceda el tamaño maximo permitido o el envío sea para una zona muy alejada el costo de envío se incrementará o cambiaremos la agencia de envio. Smart Watch DZ09 – Reloj Inteligente en Español con ranura para Chip, ranura para microSD y camara integrada. – Conéctalo al celular mediante bluetooth – Contesta y realiza llamadas mediante el reloj – Cuenta con ranura para CHIP (puede usar Claro, Movistar, Entel o Bitel) – Cuenta con ranura para microSD (expandible hasta 32gb, no incluye memoria) – Cuenta con camara integrada de 2.0mp – Revisa tus SMS o notificaciones de mensajes de Whatsapp, Facebook o cualquier notificacion (es configurable) – Escucha la música de tu celular o revisa tu agenda de contactos. – Duración de hasta 2 días con bluetooth conectado o hasta 6 dias sin conexión ESPECIFICACIONES – Compatible con Bluetooth V 3.0 o superior – Compatible 100% con Android 2.3 o superior: Samsung S3, S4, S5, Note 2, Note 3, LG G2 etc. – En iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6S solo funcionaran las llamadas via bluetooth, no funcionarán las notificaciones y no hay aplicación de celular para llevar los registros o estadísticas. – Pantalla de 1,56¿ Táctil TFT LCD – Timbre de aviso cuando se recibe una llamada – Muestra el número o el nombre de las llamadas entrantes – Contestar o Marcar las llamadas desde tu muñeca – Escuchar la música en su teléfono a través de Bluetooth – SMS / historial de llamadas (sólo para teléfonos Android) – Notificación cuando se recibe un mensaje (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Skype, etc) – Alarma anti-pérdida: Cuando el celular se aleja este emite una alarma alertando su pérdida – Tomar fotos a distancia (sólo para teléfonos Android, se puede visualizar en la pantalla del smartwatch lo que se enfoca con la camara del celular vinculado) – Altimetro, podometro, Barómetro, Cronometro. – Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Chino – Tiempo de carga: 60 minutos – Tiempo de conversación: 5 horas – Tiempo con música: 6 horas – Batería de litio recargable. Contenido de la caja – Reloj Bluetooth – Cable usb – Manual – Mica
S/. 69
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Lima (Lima)
WhatsApp:+2348021014049 E-mail: salesbizltd@gmail.com Skype: salesbizltd Order now Apple iphone 6 128Gb, 64Gb,16Gb and Samsung Galaxy S6 available Original wholesale and Retails Apple Iphone 5s 32Gb and 16Gb,Samsung Galaxy S6,S5 and IPad 4 Cellulare HTC ONE M8 GREY and Gold 16GB unlocked All colour available Dear customers! We are pleased to offer the sale of new Samsung Galaxy S6 and the memory of all colors wholesale and Retails prices. 1 year warranty: Buy new and original mobile phone comes with 1 year international warranty and 6 months return policy. buy 2 get 1 free for more details on price and discount you can contact us
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Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 128GB :$500 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 128GB :$500 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry passport 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 Yamaha YAS-82Z Custom z Alto saxophone, Black Lacquer ....600 Yamaha YAS-62II Professional Eb Alto Saxophone ....500 Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone .....600 Yamaha YSS675 soprano Saxophone ...500 Fender American Deluxe Jazz V 5-String bass, 3-Color Sunburst ...400 Fender Vintage Hot Rod 57 Strat 2-Color Sunburst Maple ....400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares PHONE PRINTER: Polaroid ZIP Mobile Printer w/ZINK Zero Ink Printing Technology - Compatible w/ $120usd Polaroid Zip Mobile Photo Printer: $100usd Fujifilm Instax Share SP-1 Instant Film Smartphone Printer: $120usd Fujifilm Instax Instant Smartphone Printer: $120usd Fujifilm instax SHARE Smartphone Printer SP-1: $150usd Fujifilm instax SHARE SP-2 Portable Color LED Photo Printer - Wireless: $200usd Fujifilm instax SHARE SP-1 Portable Color LED Photo Printer - Wireless: $180usd Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2
S/. 300
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Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 128GB :$500 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 128GB :$500 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry passport 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 Yamaha YAS-82Z Custom z Alto saxophone, Black Lacquer ....600 Yamaha YAS-62II Professional Eb Alto Saxophone ....500 Yamaha YAS-82Z Custom Z Series Alto Saxophone, Silver-plated ....600 Yamaha YSS675 soprano Saxophone ...500 Fender American Deluxe Jazz V 5-String bass, 3-Color Sunburst ...400 Fender Vintage Hot Rod 57 Strat 2-Color Sunburst Maple ....400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares PHONE PRINTER: Polaroid ZIP Mobile Printer w/ZINK Zero Ink Printing Technology - Compatible w/ $120usd Polaroid Zip Mobile Photo Printer: $100usd Fujifilm Instax Share SP-1 Instant Film Smartphone Printer: $120usd Fujifilm Instax Instant Smartphone Printer: $120usd Fujifilm instax SHARE Smartphone Printer SP-1: $150usd Fujifilm instax SHARE SP-2 Portable Color LED Photo Printer - Wireless: $200usd Fujifilm instax SHARE SP-1 Portable Color LED Photo Printer - Wireless: $180usd Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025
S/. 400
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Cusco (Cusco)
En la zona MOVILES TIENDA LIMITADA Somos la reputación mundial de la Compañía Internacional de registro que se especializa en la venta, suministro y distribución de la marca nuevos teléfonos y Apple i-Phone, Apple iPod, teléfonos Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry, T-Mobile, Móviles LG, Motorola Phone y muchos más de alta calidad aún a precios muy asequibles. La relación a largo plazo con los clientes es la prioridad que se han preocupado. Manejamos nuestro negocio de la manera más honesta y confiable. Ofrecemos a nuestros clientes con productos de alta calidad a precios razonables que les hacen obtener un beneficio prometedor y valioso negocio aquí en Reino Unido y EE.UU y UK.. LATEST LATEST LATEST !!! BlackBerry Blade.............$$$ 900 $$$ BlackBerry Blade.............$$$ 900 $$$ BlackBerry Blade is equipped with 4.5-inch AMOLED screen, quad-core 1.5GHz processor, Gorilla Glass screen, and a 12MP camera, sturdy design and even has a sliding Qwerty. Apple®- IPhone 4S with 64Gb Memory HD Unlocked cost $500USD Apple®- IPhone 4S with 32Gb Memory HD Unlocked cost $450USD Apple®- IPhone 4S with 16Gb Memory HD Unlocked cost $400USD COMPRA 5, 10, 15, 20 y PIEZAS Bove y OBTENER GRATIS EQUIVALENTE 3 unidades gratis Apple iPhone 5G 64GB Unlocked $ 600 USD Apple iPhone 5G 32GB Unlocked $ 550 USD Apple iPhone 5G 16GB Unlocked $ 500 USD Apple®- IPhone 4S with 64Gb Memory HD Unlocked cost $500USD Apple®- IPhone 4S with 32Gb Memory HD Unlocked cost $450USD Apple®- IPhone 4S with 16Gb Memory HD Unlocked cost $400USD Apple i-Phone 4G 32GB........$450USD Apple i-Phone 4G 16GB........$400USD Apple i-Phone 3G-S 32GB....$ 300USD Apple iPhone 3G 16GB........$ 175USD Apple i-Phone 3G 8GB........$ 150USD Apple Tablet iPad de 64 GB (Wi-Fi + 3G).....$ 550usd Apple Tablet iPad de 32 GB (Wi-Fi + 3G).....$ 450usd Apple Tablet iPad de 16 GB (Wi-Fi + 3G).....$ 350usd BLACKBERRY: ************* BlackBerry: BlackBerry Blade.............$$$ 800 Blackberry porsche p'9981......700 BlackBerry Torch 9810....$320 BlackBerry Torch 9860... $310 BlackBerry Torch 9850....$300 BlackBerry Playbook WiMax......$300 BlackBerry 4G Playbook HSPA+....$340 BlackBerry 4G Playbook LTE.....$290 Blackberry Playbook Tablet-----$270 BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900 ----$280 BlackBerry Bold Touch 9930 ----$270 BlackBerry Torch 9800 ----- $250 BlackBerry Bold 9780 ----- $245 BlackBerry Bold 9650 ----- $220 Blackberry 9700 Onyx --- $200 Portátiles de AApple *************** Apple Macbook Air. $ 600 Apple MacBook (MA700LL / A) Mac Notebook $ 500usd Apple MacBook Pro (MA611LL / A) Notebook $ 500usd Apple MacBook (MA254LL / A) Mac Notebook $ 450usd Apple iBook G3 (M7698LL / A) Mac Notebook.. $ 400usd POR FAVOR CONTACTO PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN. MATIAS Tagle Rozas Matias_moviles_tienda@hotmail.com MSN CHAT: Matias_moviles_tienda@hotmail.com Skype: Moviles_tienda Condiciones de envío: Enviamos internacionalmente. Condiciones de envío: Servicios UPS Courier y entrega de FedEx Express. Envios / Seguros Precio: Dependiendo de la ubicación del cliente Duración de envío: 2-3 días laborables Garantía: La política de garantía internacional en vivo Política de devolución: 90 días después de las inspecciones que se puede regresar si la compra del artículo no está funcionando bien.
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